Mock Online Interviews

A mock online interview can be practiced with a help of a friend or a relative. Conduct a small session with them and brief them about the company and the questions that you are expecting to be asked during the interview. Give them an overview about the post that you are applying to, the duties and responsibilities that you will possibly be handling etc. and ask them to thereby base their questions.
For Audio Interviews :

  • Volume of the voice : Do you sound too loud or are you inaudible through the microphone? Maintain an equal voice tone - avoid raising your voice unnecessarily or dropping it too much. Ask your friend to give you timely review of the volume of your voice.
  • Speech clarity : How does your voice sound over the microphone? Is there a lot of mumbling? Are the words difficult to comprehend? Do they tumble out in one go, or is there a long gap between the two words? Your friend should make out these observations to help you to get better. Similarly, ask your friend to observe your usage of fillers. While a bit of ‘umm’s and ‘uhh’s and ‘you know’s are acceptable, a lot of it can damage the structure of your responses.
  • Understanding the Questions : Make sure you do not misinterpret the questions or wrongly understand them. In case you do have a problem understanding the questions, make sure you ask for clarification. However, improve your listening skills in order to avoid asking the interviewer to repeat everything they say.
For Video Interviews : The same points mentioned as above are valid for video interviews too. However, additionally you have to pay attention to the following also.
  • Dressing Style : Do not forget that interviewers will be able to see you during the interview. Make sure that you are presentable for the interview. Also, your facial expressions can be seen by the interviews. Always wear a smile and keep your grimaces and frowns under control.
  • Focusing on the Screen: It is difficult to keep looking at the camera instead of the person on the screen. The best way would be to alternate your focus visions between the camera and the screen. Avoid looking out of the window or concentrating on the table. This can be achieved only with immense practice.
For Chat Sessions :
An online interview could be a simple chat session, without the audio or video. However, make sure you avoid using slang or chatting language while answering. In case you do use them, take timely actions to improve upon them at your earliest. Also, ask your friend to keep a check on your spellings and grammar too.